Saturday, September 17, 2011

Team Building Builds Loyalty | latest trend

We become acquainted with the concept of team as tender young things in school. The teacher picks the capitains, and the captains pick teams. Like children on a dodgeball squad, if you?re business team members aren?t enthusiastic about their objectives, the outcome can be abyssmal.

When corporations lose site of their identites, corporate culture wanes and busines suffers. Your team identity helps distinguish you from compeitors, so it?s important to always remember why you formed your team in the first place. What are your values? How do you treat clients? What makes you different? When growth and exapnsion demand change, how do you preserve what makes your company good and unique?

Winds of Change offers various kinds of business consulting, including team building, in Vancouver. Founder and CEO, Jivi Khera, opinions, ?ongoing raining is one of the most imporatant steps in sustaining and passing on company values. The most effective training is a gradual, ongoing process rather than a singular surge. Communication should always be postive, persuasive, and sustainable.?

Of course every team needs leaders?from Chief Finacial Officers to middle managers. The people you choose to become your leaders are of the utmost importance. Root out any power mongers intent on bossing people around, and you will find hierarchies develop naturally. Real leaders are the people who inspire by setting an example.

Many people today feel corporations have little loyalty towards them. In turn, they see jobs as mere opportunties?to make money, to gain expereince, and to move on.

Through team building, you can help promote ethnics and loyalty within your comapany. By sharing and promoting positive values, you enable team members to feel like they?re contributing to something more than a corporation. It?s a simple concept that improves loyalty, work ethic, and ultimately bottom line profitability.


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