Most of the people you know probably think that massages don?t have any purpose except for self-indulgence. a number of people think they are merely a means to flirt with someone. It?s true that some people swear that getting a regular massage has plenty of benefits but, for the most part, the major benefits of massage are still being discovered. Have you been trying to decide whether a regular massage is worth your money? Consider these little known benefits of massage!
Know that massage makes your brain?s chemical makeup change. These changes help to lower both stress and pain in your entire body. This is good news because it means that you do not necessarily have to massage the exact spot that is causing you pain. If, for instance, you are uncomfortable with having another person massage your lower back area, have them massage your shoulders or arms instead. The pressure in those spots gives a signal to your brain so that the chemical responses can change. After a while, the muscles found in your lower back area will loosen up as well.
It?s possible, according to a few experts, that regular massage helps increase the health of your body. Studies have been done that show massage offers a boost to your immune system and that makes it easier to fight off diseases. This happens as the massage promotes the increase of the de-stressors. To give you an example, science has discovered that the cortisol levels in your body are diminished when you get a massage on a regular basis. Cortisol is triggered by stress and it assails your body?s immune system so decreasing your stress levels can only help you stay healthy.
Did you know that a massage can lower your blood pressure? Hypertension is reduced also. This comes about because massage activates the nervus vagus which is responsible for helping the brain regulate the levels of your blood pressure and other vital bodily functions. A 2005 study discovered that those suffer from hypertension showed a marked improvement in their levels after having just ten ten-minute massages over the course of several weeks.
It is possible to give yourself a massage too. There are quite a few people who think that massage has to be performed by another person but that isn?t really the case. You don?t have to be able to reach the exact spot that feels the pain, you just need to be able to reach a point that is close to it. One example is that those who are suffering from conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome can greatly benefit from giving their arms a fifteen minute massage several times each week.
Massage has plenty of advantages in terms of health. Many folks know that it can be a relaxing experience but it can help treat a number of medical conditions also. The real truth is that there is no one kind of massage that is superior to the other. A good massage involves using enough pressure to make indentations on the skin and nothing more. So why not try it out for a while and experience the benefits for yourself?
David writes about Benefits of Massage along with Father of the Groom Speech.To know more about Father of Groom Toasts Click here.
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